In no particular order...
Democracy = Equality of Outcome for all citizens.
Living Constitution = democrats get to change the rules as they wish.
Tax Reform = Soak the Rich.
Welfare = The systematic government tool used to make men irrelevant and destroy the nuclear family causing more people to depend on government money and entitlements / democrat voter recruiting tool.
Welfare Reform = Getting more people on Welfare.
Fairness Doctrine = Government tool used to silence conservative media voices.
Doctrine of Responsibility to Protect = A country's sovereignty is a privilege, not a right. Justification used to break ties with Israel and assist radical Islamists attack both Israel and the USA.
Manmade Global Climate Change = The communist hoax perpetrated to inhibit and destroy economic growth as well as villify capitalism.
Global Warming = See Manmade Global Climate Change.
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) = Slush fund used to funnel cash to unions and protect them from economic downturns / money laundering operation sending campaign contributions (bribes) to democrats via unions.
Budget Reform = Expansion of government spending for entitlement programs while punishing productive citizens with increased taxes.
Entitlement Program = Government welfare system used to weaken individual drive and responsibility and destigmatize dependency on government largess / systematic democrat voter recruiting program.
Wealthy Person = Thief
Corporation = Gathering of thieves.
Women's Health = Abortion on demand.
Abortion = democrat contraception / family planning tool.
Tax Cut = Stealing money from the Treasury and giving it to rich.
Tax Code Expenditure = Tax Cut.
Tax Code Expenditure Reduction = Tax Hike.
Immigration Reform = Amnesty and Citizenship for Illegal Aliens / democrat voter recruiting tool.
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