Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Temporary" Tax "Extensions"?

Jerry Brown is exhorting Californians to vote to additionally tax themselves and help him "solve" California's budget problems.  He and his cronies are attempting to paint those of us that oppose this further destruction of California's ability to attract new business and improve the lives of her citizens by declaring that they are not "allowing" the taxpayers to have their say in a vote on the issue.

How dare anybody stand in the way of the citizens getting a chance to vote!!!

Why should we NOT vote on this absurdity from Jerry Brown and his union bosses?

Nevermind the fact that we already voted on this issue and shot the lefties down two to one.

Nevermind the fact that None of what Gov.Brown is proposing establishes Any fixes for Any of the budget problems we are faced with here in California.

Nevermind the fact that Jerry's "balanced approach" demands Five years of higher taxes (55 billion dollars worth) while offering one 1 year of budget "cuts".  A third of those cuts are only reshuffling monies already collected.  None of the cuts are permanent, structural cuts.

Jerry will be back next year with the same cries of dire peril and demands for more tax money to feed the public employee unions' ravenous maws.

If this gets on the ballot, Jerry's bosses, the public employee unions, will spend untold millions to tug at every heart-string, highlight every fallacious negative, and put the fear of god into the voters that without the higher taxes, all of California will become a hell hole of uncontrolled fires, destruction, and crime waves.

(He's already started with the fear mongering by cutting programs for mentally disabled school children and claiming that without those higher taxes he will have to further defund programs for the neediest among us.)

And, where will all that money Jerry wants go?

Straight out of the wallets of the taxpayers and into the pockets of the public employee unions.

Anybody paying attention knows public employee union members are already over-paid and over-endowed with platinum retirement and benefits packages that Nobody in the private sector can compete with.

Just One example?

The California Correctional Peace Officers Assn. (one of the largest and most politically powerful state-employee unions) gets Both a defined benefit retirement plan And a 401k plan.

How did they get that amazing boon?  Collective bargaining with democrats they pay off to get their say over the objections of informed taxpayers.

Must be nice huh?

The game is fixed and the power hungry public employee unions with their corrupt democrat allies are taking us all to the cleaners.

We do Not need to vote on new taxes as Jerry is trying to scare us into with his lies.

He needs to get a set and tell his bosses in the unions "No" and then guide the democrats into solving California's budget problems without all the bandaids and fake fixes.

1 comment:

  1. Lee:
    Want to include your postings on our site.
    Contact me please
