Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Those on the far left do not believe in individual property rights. All should be free for all. When you dare demand that you be paid for what you create they lash out at you in every vile way you can imagine.

Case in point:

Limewire, a long time file sharing site, was taken to court by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) for copyright violations. Limewire helped people steal data (songs) by setting up peer to peer (P2P) file networks in which members could browse the files of other users and freely download them without any payment to the artists/creators of any kind.

The courts finally ruled in the RIAA's (artists and creators) favor and ordered Limewire shut down. That's when the offended leftists started striking out at the rest of us. They hacked the RIAA's website and shut it down. They also proceeded to publish their 'manifesto' in which they declared the RIAA to be the criminals for having restricted the "free flow of information".

The leftists (Calling themselves "Anonymous") also went to the next level and published personal info for both the head of the RIAA and his wife, including their personal home address.

What's next? Stalking? Physical assaults? Assassinations?

Make no mistake. These criminals on the left are Dangerous. They have no compunction against destroying the lives of those that wish to protect the rights of the rest of us.

What can be done?

Firstly, we need to make sure our children understand what's at stake. Freedom and the Free Enterprise system we all live and grow in. In other words, Our Way of Life.

Secondly, we need to find and prosecute these self righteous criminals to the fullest extent possible.

Thirdly, stay vigilant.

We cannot afford to allow the left to have their way if we wish to remain a Free people.

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