Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Teacher, Why Dost Thou Lie?

California teachers have been going berserk crying loud and long about budget cuts and layoffs.  They are bound and determined that you Must pay greater taxes so they can save our schools.

They have been running ads highlighting the 20 Billion in budget cuts to our schools over the last three years and the 30,000 teachers that have been laid off this year.

Just one problem:

They're Lying.

20 Billion in budget cuts?

Here is a graphical representation of the budget trend for K-16 provided by the state controller's office...

See that red line?

See it going up rather than down?

That's pretty much the opposite of a budget cut, don't you think?

Let's move on to the 30,000 lay offs the teachers claim have been made.

It didn't happen.  Every one of those teachers is still on the job.  (If you can call standing in front of legislator's offices screaming epithets teaching)

What actually happened was that, by law, school districts are required to send out "pink slips" to teachers for Next Year that warn them about potential budget problems for Next Year.

Last year, Lisa Snell at issued a good summary of the process and the problems generated by it:

While, for good reasons, political ads are not required to be factual, it is disgusting that Teachers, of all people, are willing to engage in such extreme obfuscations and outright lies to protect and grow their power and jumbo sized pay and benefit packages.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

You might be a Conservative...

If, instead of tearing down the rich to make sure everybody is miserable, you'd rather make sure that everybody has unlimited opportunities to make themselves rich...

You might be a Conservative.

If you understand it's self evident human life begins at conception and it's an illogical abomination for a mother to terminate an unborn child for her convenience...

You might be a Conservative.

If you know that America is a sovereign nation and has every right and the inherent duty to protect her citizens from illegal aliens, drug smugglers, human smugglers, criminality and third world diseases by securing her borders and enforcing her laws...

You might be a Conservative.

If you think that Americans have the right to choose their own doctors and health coverage without interference from the government...

You might be a Conservative.

If you think parents should be allowed to make the nutrition decisions for their own children without schools and other government agencies telling them what to feed their kids...

You might be a Conservative.

If you understand that "democracy" means "one man one vote" and that everyone has equality of opportunity and that it does Not mean equality of outcome...

You might be a Conservative.

If you know that a strong military makes America safer and that her veterans are heroes...

You might be a Conservative.

If you know that our founding fathers were on the right track in specifically limiting the powers of government to control your commerce, your religion, your speech, and your guns...

You might be a Conservative.

If you're proud of America and Love her with all your heart...

You might be a Conservative.