Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Green Jobs

One of the justifications that Jerry Brown and other leftist nuts make for destroying jobs with AB32 (The Global Warming Final Solutions Act) is that it will create "green" jobs and shift our economy away from dependence on fossil fuels.

As is typical of those on the left, they purposely ignore the easy-peasy solution to the problem of green job creation that is hugely obvious if you are even marginally paying attention.


The tax code is used by government to control behavior. Activities the government wants to see less of are penalized with greater taxes. Activities the government wants to see more of are taxed less and often subsidized with taxpayer dollars.

If we want to give green jobs a chance at accelerated growth and a shot at competing with oil, coal, etc., all we have to do is give them tax breaks.

Let's go whole hog. Allow, for a full decade, green startups that create three or more jobs to completely write off all of their taxes.

It's precisely that simple.

We would avoid cutting the throat of the rest of the economy while enabling 'green' companies the shot at the market they, and the left, say they need.

Who's in Charge?

As Obama crisscrosses the country puking his poisonous pablum blaming George Bush and the Republicans for all the world's ills during the last decade, it becomes clear that George Bush is still in charge.

To quote an insightful post from an NPR blog...

George Bush, who doesn't have a vote in Congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

He broke Obama's promise to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama's promise to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama's promise to end earmarks.

He broke Obama's promise to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama's promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo in the first year.

He broke Obama's promise to make peace with direct, no precondition talks, with America's most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

He broke Obama's promise to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama's problems would be solved. His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel. North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

Oh, and did I mention what it would be like if the Democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn't have the heavy yoke of George Bush around their necks? There would be no ear marks, no closed-door drafting of bills, no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions), no vote buying (Nebraska, Louisiana).

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, we'd have real change by now.

All the broken promises, all the failed legislation and delay (health care reform, immigration reform) is not President Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress. It's all George Bush's fault.

Take for example the decision of Eric Holder, the president's attorney general, to hold terrorists' trials in New York City. Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.

Two disastrous decisions.

Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush.

Need more proof?

You might recall that when Scott Brown won last month's election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, capturing "the Ted Kennedy seat," President Obama said that Brown's victory was the result of the same voter anger that propelled Obama into office in 2008. People were still angry about George Bush and the policies of the past 10 years and they wanted change.

Yes, according to the president, the voter rebellion in Massachusetts last month was George Bush's fault.

Therefore, in retaliation, they elected a Republican to the Ted Kennedy seat, ending a half-century of domination by Democrats.

It is all George Bush's fault.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jerry Brown

At the moment it looks like California is about to take a major step backwards and put Jerry Brown back in the Governor's seat.

His opponent, Meg Whitman, has been weak, but, that's another issue.

How can Californians want to have the same guy that so cold heartedly supported the loss of homes by Californians across the state as he opposed Prop 13?

How could Californians want to have the same guy that enabled state employees to unionize by signing into law their ability to engage in collective bargaining? We are still paying for that mistake and we will continue to pay for it for generations to come.

How could Californians want to have the same guy that appointed Rose Bird to the California Supreme Court? (The first California appellate judge in California history to be denied reconfirmation by voters due to her rabid anti-death penalty stance.)

What does he want to do now?

Well, while he was the Attorney General he utterly failed to investigate his friends on the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as they purposely used known bad data to come up with new, restrictive regulations that have already cost California thousands of jobs.

Now, he wants to go all in and demand that California fully implement all of the CARB recommendations and regulations that he claims will create a new green economy in California under the direction of the unaccountable CARB and their AB 32, The Global Warming Final Solutions Act.

Nevermind the Fact that man made global climate change is a tragic hoax. AB 32 and the CARB will cost California jobs. Hundreds of thousands of jobs. At least one study is predicting the loss of 1.3 million jobs in California due to AB 32 over the next ten years. (500,000 of those in the next two years.)

We are already enduring an unemployment rate of over 12% in California. Are we really willing to endure the death of the dreams of so many Californians?

No jobs = No California worth living in.

Jerry Brown claims that we will replace all those intentionally lost jobs with new, green jobs.

We're going to replace 1.3 million lost jobs with green jobs in ten years? It's a sad fantasy without basis in reality.

Spain already tried forcing the market to create "green" jobs.

They spent tens of thousands of dollars for every green job they "created" and for every one of those green jobs they Lost 2.2 regular jobs.

Even worse, most of those new green jobs were not permanent jobs.

The government cannot effectively create or manage an economy.

Any product, job, or service that requires a government subsidy to survive is not viable.

All the government can do is get the heck out of the way and let the free market do its thing.

Does Jerry Brown agree that we should all have the right to self determination and that the government should keep its grubby paws out of the way?


Jerry Brown as the next Governor of California is a calamity in the making.


Here you will find occasional rants by yours truly, Lee Fox.


Because, some things just need to be said.

Will you enjoy it?

We'll see.

Will you agree?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Let's get started, shall we?